
BabyWearing Benefits with the Right Baby Carriers

BabyWearing Benefits with the Right Baby Carriers

With fall approaching, social media feeds are trending with creative Halloween babywearing outfits after some refashioning efforts by eager parents who can’t wait to bring their babies out for some fun outdoors. 

Even before babywearing became a trend, the tradition has been passed on from one generation to another for thousands of years. It's simply safer, more comfortable and convenient for parents to babywear while going about their daily tasks. With some Googling for baby carriers, you'll be overwhelmed with the sheer number of options in the market today. 

Worry not, we're here to put the loupe on for baby carrier scouting.

Big Benefits to Baby Wearing

Simply put, using a baby carrier:

  1. frees up our hands to do the things we need to get done throughout the day

  2. makes the baby feel safe

  3. comforting for both parent and baby

When your baby is in a carrier, it automatically reminds them of the nine months spent in the womb with us, listening to and feeling our heartbeat and breathing. Parents, in the meantime, take unconscious trips down memory lane. 

That's why we call babywearing for the next months after the birth of our babies ‘the fourth trimester’.

After the birth of the baby, both parent and child will need time to transition into the new reality of living together in this new, big world. 

The great thing about using the right baby carrier is that both parents get to enjoy the new closeness to the baby, a joy often enjoyed exclusively by moms. 

It’s been proven that babywearing with the right baby carrier gives spouses, partners, grandparents, and caregivers the added bonus of building better bonds with the baby. 

A happy baby makes, indeed, happy parents. 

Other benefits to using baby carriers include:

  • Strengthens the bond between baby and parent

  • Promotes baby's physical and emotional development

  • Calmer, happier baby

  • Decreases the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

  • Allows for better breastfeeding experiences for moms

  • Boosts breastmilk production 

  • Baby enjoys the best seat in the house, getting to see and observe parents as they converse with others around them. This helps in language development

Types of Baby Carriers for Your Baby

The most important thing to consider is the comfort level. Each type of baby carrier comes with its own set of pros and cons.

While soft structured baby carriers like the buckle carrier, wrap, and ring sling are comfortable for some, it can be hard for other parents who are unfamiliar with setting it up. 

Many parents prefer the simplicity of either the Mei Tai or the Backpack baby carriers although they might cost a little bit more. So, before you purchase a baby carrier, let’s have a look at the common types of baby carriers there in the market.

1 - Wrap Baby Carriers

We see this very often where moms, dads, and caregivers carry babies around with nothing more than just a cloth acting as a wrap. No one can deny its convenience and affordable price point. 

It is, however, not the easiest one. The good news is that once you’ve got all the knots worked out, it’s pretty easy to put it together from then onwards!

It’s primarily a long piece of secure, safe, and comfy cloth with loose ends that can be tied together to form a kind of snug cradle for the baby.

The main difference between these wrap baby carriers is the fabric. You can choose the cooling cotton, wool, linen, hemp, or gauze type of material if you’re living in a warm-weathered country. They are made to last and can hold up a healthy weight of a growing toddler since it is so sturdy and flexible. 

However, babywearing is a family affair and having others, apart from the primary caregiver, carry your baby around is important too.

2 - Ring Sling Baby Carrier

mom wearing a baby snuggly in a baby carrier

Mini Monkey Mini Baby Sling

A slight notch up from the wrap is the ring sling baby carrier made for parents who wish for the flexibility of a wrap baby carrier but are looking for an easier way to fasten, secure, and tie the baby carrier. 

Measuring approximately 2m long with 2 rings to help with the fastening, it’s a comfy babywearing device to have if flexibility and comfort are important to you.  

You might also find something a little different in the market while you’re shopping for a baby carrier which is the pouch sling carrier. It works, essentially, the same way a ring sling works, but the pouch slings are not usually very stretchy. It can be difficult to share the baby carrier with others and uncomfortable for the wearer (although perfectly comfy for the baby).

3 - Buckle Baby Carrier

This is the modern go-to for most parents with babies and toddlers because they are easy to assemble and are adjustable. Buckle baby carriers are padded, made of soft, comfortable material, and let the baby settle in a pouch on their parents’ hips in a natural frog position. By far, it’s the most comfortable position for babies, including newborns, as it reduces the risk of hip dysplasia.

Because of the way buckle baby carriers are made, they allow for even distribution of the weight of both baby and wearer. It can be easily adjusted as you go about your day whether you prefer to wear your baby on the front or back.  

Be mindful of the weather and clothing for both baby and wearer when the weather is hot outside. It usually comes with the heavier-than-usual padding. 

The buckle baby carrier should be just right for your baby’s age and weight and it is not suitable for infants who have not yet developed the right head-neck strength. 

If your baby is really young, we recommend getting one that does not require additional inserts to support the baby's head.

4 - Hybrid Baby Carriers

mom wearing a hybrid baby sling out and about

Baby Tula Explore Baby Carrier

As the name suggests, hybrid or Mei Tai baby carriers tend to come with the snuggability of wrap or sling carriers but with the modern features of buckle baby carriers. This type of baby carrier allows parents to carry your baby around on the front, back, or on the hips, depending on how you tie the carrier. 

Hybrid baby carriers are easily adjustable which means you can use the carrier for babies and toddlers within the same age group as well as different caregivers. 

All you need to do is to adjust the tightness of the straps which can be done relatively quickly. Practice makes perfect.

On the outside, the hybrid baby carrier looks almost exactly like a soft-structured carrier but when you’re wearing it, it feels as snug as a wrap or sling carrier, bringing you the best of both worlds.

specs for baby carrier
Baby Tula Explore Baby Carrier - Mint Chip

How to Choose the Right Baby Carrier for You and Your Baby

Before ebulliently carting the new baby carrier to the check out counter, here are a couple of things to consider:

  • Age of your baby/child

  • Lifestyle

  • Budget

  • Body

  • Baby’s weight and body

  • How long do you intend to use the baby carrier

  • Durability and adaptability 

  • Reviews of the baby carrier

1 - Your Baby’s Age

This is particularly important if your baby is a newborn or a toddler. Most baby carriers can cater to the weight and movements of a baby of good size but your newborn infant needs something that can offer him/her good neck, head, and shoulder support.

This is especially true when the parent is required to move about with a baby snuggled up in the front or back of the body. 

2 - Lifestyle

Purchasing a baby carrier is more than just about it being a trend. It’s also about buying a suitable carrier that suits your lifestyle. 

The cute-as-a-button carrier should be suitable for other secondary caregivers. You should also know if the carrier can be adjusted for breastfeeding.

Unfortunately, modern baby carriers are not made for breastfeeding like the wrap-style baby carriers are. 

Also to be taken into consideration is the weather and how active you are as a parent. If it’s winter, you'd be wearing thicker coats and if you’re pregnant (but intend to babywear), you’ll need to find one that can fit your body, mobility, and lifestyle.

Sleeping baby snuggled and wrapped up in baby wrap
Photo by Garrett Jackson on Unsplash

3 - Size Up Your Baby

Babies, like adults, are different. And so are the wraps and baby carriers. Typically ranging from size 2 to size 9, wrap-style baby carriers are different in both width and length, with size 9 being the longest. 

If you are travelling to a colder or warmer country soon, would you need to get a separate baby carrier for the trip or can ONE carrier do it all?

4 - Budget

Depending on the kind of baby carrier you get, the cost can set you back by anything from RM20 per carrier to RM1,200 each. Many parents purchase two baby carriers, with one acting as a primary baby carrier, and the other plays a supporting, back-up role. 

If you often drop your baby off at either your parents’, friend’s, or a babysitter’s home while you work, consider getting one that is suitable for the primary caregiver there.

5 - Listen to Advice, Read Reviews, and Try it Out

It is best to consult with other experienced parents who are already familiar with baby carriers before making the purchase. 

And when you’re in the baby store looking around, don’t be shy about asking pointed questions. It will help you make the right decision. 

You can also hit Google to get unreserved reviews about the baby carriers you’re considering. And with social media, there are tons of parenting groups out there for you to join and ask your questions about buying a baby carrier. 

Once you’ve narrowed the list of options down, hit an online store like SharingBabyland and start shopping for it either online or in the store. 

Once you’ve narrowed the list of options down, hit an online store like SharingBabyland and start shopping for it either online or in person.

dad wearing a baby in a baby carrier
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Is Baby Wearing Just for Moms?

It’s normal for us to assume that when it comes to babywearing, it often applies to the main caregiver - mommy dearest. 

With new endearing celeb dads like Ryan Reynolds, Daniel Craig, Orlando Bloom, and Chris Hemsworth seen wearing their babies publicly and proudly all around town, it is really putting the stride on the babywearing trend. 

Nearly 60% of dads, ever since, have come forth to say that they’ve faced some form of dad discrimination or belittlement because of their babywearing choices. It was also revealed that there ARE men out there who are not shy about their choice NOT to push a pram or take paternity leave. 

It remains their choice. 

However, we think that babywearing is not exclusive to moms. When you’re out there trying to purchase the right baby carrier for the family, take into account that daddy may want to play a role in caring for your new bundle of joy too.

Buying the Right Baby Carrier Guide

Here, at SharingBabyland, we’re just as passionate about bringing you the best baby products that make your life as a parent and your baby as convenient and comfortable as possible. Do drop by our store to have a look around and consult with our sales assistants. 

We’re located at F-02-10, Sunway Geo Avenue, Jalan Lagoon Selatan, Bandar Sunway, 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. We can also be reached at 017-536 2346 or via email at [email protected].

So ahead and keep yourself with the latest products, online demos, live events, announcements, and promotions we share with our followers and customers on our social media pages like Facebook and Instagram

Get in touch with us if you have questions! We are more than happy to answer any questions you might have about buying from either our physical or online store!

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