
Medela: Known for Breast Pumps in Malaysia

Medela offers an extensive range of breast pumps that meet all the possible needs of breastfeeding mums. The company has two business units, Breastfeeding and Healthcare, and both of these units place a lot of emphasis on research and development. Over a period of time, Medela has established strong relationships with key researchers, as part of their product development aspiration. 

Choosing the Best Breast Pump

Thinking about which breast pumps to buy when you are pregnant may not be at the top of most mothers mind. According to Nania Schärer-Hernández, Director of the Global Education Department at Medela, you will most likely be buying a whole lot of baby equipment and accessories before giving birth, but it is wiser to wait when it comes to deciding on the right breast pump. 

However, you may want to familiarise yourself with the different types of breast pumps at this point in time, before your delivery. But you will have a better idea of what breast pump you should be getting, the requirements, once your baby is out, based on your baby’s breastfeeding situation.  

All mothers and their babies have different requirements, and these requirements tend to change over time, along your breastfeeding and expressing journey.

Why choose a Medela breast pump in Malaysia?

Medela’s electric breast pump has a 2-Phase Expression technology that mimics a baby’s natural sucking behaviour. A baby uses short, fast sucks to stimulate your let-down reflex, and once the milk begins to flow, he changes to a slower but stronger sucking pattern. Medela’s 2-Phase Expression technology replicates this feeding pattern and creates an effective and more natural way to express. Conveniently, all Medela electric breast pumps can also be battery operated, either with a rechargeable battery pack or standard AA batteries.

Medela Malaysia

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